Baby Born @39weeks+5days , 6 October ♥♡


My Rainbow baby after a miscarriage in October last year, i get to hold my new miracle baby October this year♥♡ my water broke 1 Am 6 Oct, i thought to myself its so hard to get outta bed with this big tummy but i think i just have to go pee, i get up and pause coz theres water running down my legs on the floor, i just say to my fiance ,get up get up and i smile to him, and said my water broke, we were so excited and a lil nervous... He got the bags, i went and cleaned myself up. And drank a cup a coffee. And off we went. Got to the hosp 2 Am ,they checked me and i was already a 4cm.. The contractions then started getting real real bad, they gave me gas to breathe in everytime i got a contraction and oh man , i love the gas... It helped a ton ,lots of times i felt a huge urge to push. And at 5 Am i was a full 10cm, started to push but baby didnt wanna come out, they gave me pitocen to make the contractions stronger , and after a while a started pushing.... They ended uo cutting me down there and @ 6:50 am she was bornヽ(^。^)ノ they put her on my chest and we just couldnt stop looking at her....

7.65 pounds

Her Apgar score after 1 min was 9 , and after 5 min a 10.

Im so happy to have her

We went home the following morning