I am a woman. I love women, I was raised by the strongest, most confident woman I know. Women are really f*cking awesome, but I'm sick of this "woman power" shit. Neither my friends or I have ever been discriminated against upon our gender, nor deemed incapable of performing certain tasks. Some of us are black, some Latino. And we still feel this way. We all receive high pay for our jobs, even higher than some of the males we work with. I am sick of hearing people say they're voting for Hillary Clinton because of "woman power"- really? You are so determined to have her be the first woman president of the US that you are willing to overlook all the shit she has done? You bash Trump for being a misogynst, but ignore the fact that Hillary is STILL MARRIED to a man who has raped and treated women as nothing more than a piece of meat REPEATEDLY throughout his life, as well as while in the White House. She bashed and threatened the rape victims, and then turned right around and told the public that she believes "[rape victims] deserved to be believed". If you're going to vote for Clinton, go for it, but at least educate yourself on her policies, views, positives, and negatives-  go beyond the fact that she is a woman. I want a woman in the White House as much as you all do, but maybe it's worth waiting for someone that is fit.