
I am 7 weeks and 3 days. Found out i was preggers 3 days ago. And for the last week, i've been having sleepless nights. I get hot flashes. My limbs are cold but my core is hot. I fall asleep around 6-7pm. Wake up every hour just to pee otherwise i'm wiggling around in bed trying to hold it. By day when i'm at work I feel like avoiding everyone. Not that i already dont but the moment they stand to close, the scent just makes me want to yack. Heart burn kicks in. Idk if im hungry or not sometimes. And my headaches are just on going. Today, i took time off work. Made porridge soup for the constipation. I let my sibling try some to see if was me. Just discovered i dont like green onions anymore than daddy bears not liking cilantro as a garnish. Lately its been this or that. Yes but no. Do then dont.