Super sickness 😷

3rd pregnancy, experienced morning sickness in both previous but NOTHING compared to this. 7 weeks 6 days in and the sickness is OVERWHELMING. Morning noon night and through the night accompanied by constant nausea. GP prescribed anti-sickness tablets and even they're not helping. Any useful tips to help curb this horrendous sickness would be greatly appreciated 😘
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I never had any sickness or nausea with my other 2 but this pregnancy is horrible. I can't eat anything after 2 or 3 pm and even making my kids food makes me wanna puke. I try to eat plenty in the mornings but I just feel so weak and tired by bedtime from not eating most of the day. I want to get sea bands since I've heard a lot of people say they help but I haven't found them around here yet.


Shelley • Oct 13, 2016
My midwife told me about acupressure bands are they the same thing? Maybe worth a try. I'm exactly the same it just never lets up. Hope you get yours under control soon good luck


Posted at
My sickness has been really bad both my pregnancies. I suffered through the first one but couldn't this time and I got some anti sickness tablets from my gp which helped. 


Shelley • Oct 12, 2016
It's awful isn't it. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. The anti-sickness tablets are doing nothing at all for me maybe I need a stronger dose? The one thing that makes it worth it is the doctor saying it shows my hormones are continuously rising strong!! Hope you feel better soon