cycle buddy AF due 10/26

TTC for about 8 months now. I hate an HSG test two weeks ago. It went well and I had no blockages and everything's normal 🙏🏻. Everyone around me is pregnant and I'm so happy for all of them but sad for my husband and I at the same time. My sister in law that jut got engaged and my othe sister in law that got married in Aug got pregnant on her honeymoon.
My husband and I have been together for 14yrs and married for 3yrs this November. He's the love of my life. Am I wrong for getting sad? 
Hopefully this is our month ladies I'm trying to stay positive. 😘
My husband has seemed stressed this past week and I'm trying to figure out why? Could it be that his two brothers are excepting before us? Could it be he this it's his fault we can't conceive? Know I've gone for many test and everything has come back perfect and working. 
I don't have many people to talk too and asking family doesn't help because they judge you right away. 
This past Monday my parents were at my house because we were getting new doors installed and they wanted to make sure they were doing a good job. We started talking and my mom asked how my future sister in law is doing since she's expecting. Then I said by the way my sister in law that just got married is expecting too. They she asked what about you guys? It was a natural reaction for my to start crying 😔 I get very emotional when anyone asks me what about you guys! 
Well my husband got upset with me cuz I cried And said I was jelouse of everyone else. 😢which is totally not. The case. 
Sorry for a long post good luck to everyone this month and baby dust for all 👶🏼😘