Sept FTM have you settled into a schedule?


Hi mummies!

I was just wondering how you were all coping.

For most of us or baby should be nearing one month now, how is everyone doing with baby?

Is your newborn on a schedule? - by this I don't mean a rigorous daily set plan, just that has your baby settled into their own pattern which you're able to judge and work around?

If so what kind of pattern have they fallen into?

Are you able to judge babies needs now, or is it still as scary as week one?

I feel like everytime I think my baby has set a pattern I'm thrown a curve ball the next day. He was doing well then hit a sudden growth spurt and cluster fed for 5 hours yd - which ofc made me breakdown in tears fearing we'd gone 3 weeks back and I'd get no sleep and turn back to zombie mode. Also he's sleeping well at nights - waking for feeds every 2/3 hours - but in the day he's suddenly decided he will not nap in his bed so I can't seem to judge his pattern as he won't stay down for naps.

I'm feeling like I'm coping better yet it's still so overwhelming.

How is everyone else doing?