why or why not?

Susie • 14 years old, 9 months ❤️
Okay, so I am 14 and I am 32 weeks pregnant. I have tried to tell me story so many times on this app, but it would literally be a novel. So, I was wondering if I should make a YouTube channel for educational purposes and a vlog type thing. I've seen such great mom videos on YouTube, and I would really like to help out the other girls who are thinking about getting pregnant while they are young (yes, teenage girls do that) or if they are already in my situations. I know there are reasons as to why I shouldn't do it, but what do you guys think? Maybe I could be the next #MikahStauffer 
..just kidding. She set the expectations WAY high lol. Seriously, love her. Anyway what are your guys thoughts?