Husband's help/reaction??

So, my husband isn't nearly as excited about this pregnancy as I am. I'm trying to remain happy--because this is a blessing! But he keeps telling me that I'm being selfish and whiny when I mention anything about symptoms. I refuse to let him bring me down. But some days he's really happy about everything. I'm sick of the back and forth. Tonight I had my first mood swing. I was so pissed at him!! I really (at that time) didn't have a rational reason to be mad. Instead of yelling or arguing with him I walked away. Later he came to me calmly to discuss it and I snapped back that I knew it was irrational hut that I didn't want to talk about it. Then I started crying out of guilt because of my anger. How crazy is this!!!?? Then he dropped the "nice calm guy" act and started telling me how I've been a b***h all day and how "everything has to be all about" me. Then he fell asleep. Is anyone else dealing with this? I'm just so frustrated. I want to be happy and "glow" with it, ya know!?!? Is that so much to ask? :/