so angry! unbelievable

So yesterday I saw the Drs and they sent me to delivery ward to be induced, because I have extra water and they are bulging through my cervix and I'm already 4cm dilated. 
So last night after waiting 8hrs for the Drs to give the go ahead they came in and said that they would leave me over night to see if I was already in labour if not I'm going home! Naturally I was devastated because they had said that I needed inducing asap earlier and now all of a sudden I was going home! The biggest worry is that the baby head is free and with my waters bulging so much there's a risk the cord will slip past when my waters go. 
Then today I waited until 1:30pm to see the dr again and be checked but before they checked me they said that if I was to be sent home they'd arrange to see my dr allocated to me. Well that's who I saw yesterday and he wants me induced! The dr they sent me last night thought I'd admitted myself and didn't read my notes to see that I'd been sent up from my Drs! 
So now I am waiting again for my dr to assess me and it's 5pm- so I've been waiting since 11am yesterday til now because they didn't read my notes and now they can't get my dr here yet.... erghhhhh