I got pregnant at 19 and lost the baby at 8 weeks, and it messed my cycles up

Brooke • 💛💚💙💜❤🌈👶 06.28.17
I got pregnant at 19 and lost the baby at 8 weeks, and it messed my cycles up.completely. I wouldn't get periods for months and my hormones were out of wack. About 6 months later I met my ex boyfriend and after 2 years we stopped using protection and after 7 years together nothing happened. I was terrified to go to the OB and be told I couldn't have children. We broke up and 3 years ago I met my SO, and we have been TTC for 2 years, my cycles sort of came back, but not regular. they were 40 days give or take. I never tested positive on OPK kits. Ever. We decided to stop trying and live stress free for a little and I decided it was time to see my OB (after not going for 10 years, bc I had not had a period on over 50 days but all preg tests were negative.) Well I went on Monday, and she did blood work and told me I have no cervical mucus and that's probably why I wasn't getting pregnant, and come to find out I already was! That Friday I decided to take another test and for the first time in almost 10 years I saw 2 lines. I couldn't believe it, so I ran to Walmart and got a clear blue & first response test and it was confirmed by all of them! We are over the moon happy! I just found out, literally today lol, so I will update when I go back to my OB for my blood work results, which I'm sure she is going to inform me what I already know! But I will have an ultrasound and make sure everything is good and see how far along I am. Never give up hope! And the more you stress and test, the less likely you are to conceive. I found that out myself after my OB told me that. Baby dust to all you ladies and prayers my little one is okay! Much love!