New man

So I am at the tail end of a disaster of a marriage and an even more difficult divorce...
I met a guy through a coworker (not a set up) I told him and he agreed that jumping into a serious relationship this soon wouldn't be good for me. The problem is he is just, well, just something (I guess) I can feel my feelings getting deeper and I think his are too... 
I feel like a high schooler around him (giggling and happy and yes, wanting to make out all the time ha!)
So I'm confused/concerned. I don't want to pull away because I love being with him even in a platonic sense; but I have the feels (lol) I want to spend all of my time with him. He wants the same...
The other end, I REALLY can't be in a relationship right now (or maybe it's just not a "serious relationship") I'm worried the feels will get stronger and the next thing you know my friend/casual will be a serious...
HAAALLP! I haven't had to think about this in YEARS!