The Necklace Trick

So, not too long ago I tried the necklace trick where you hold a necklace over your hand to predict how many children you will have. My result was the same exact prediction a psychic gave me a few years ago: boy then girl. I also did the trick on someone I'm close to that already had children and her prediction was different than mine, but was correct!
Apparently, if you are pregnant, you can do the same trick over your belly to predict baby's gender. 
I just realized my s/o and I accidentally had unprotected sex on the day I ovulated. So, I took my necklace just now and held it over my belly (kind of just for fun but also out of curiosity) and it is swinging back and forth like crazy!! (Which means boy) Now I'm a little bit freaked out lol. 
I was wondering if this has worked for anybody else??