An Eve for men? Can we call it Adam?

Caity • Here to get this bread and be happy, healthy, and fabulous while doing it
Okay, I am all about better health classes in school or better sexual health talks with your kids. The female anatomy still seems to be a mystert wrapped in an enigma and that's why we have this app, and that's why I am all about having a class discussion for the females about how to insert a tampon to go with the how to put on a condom. That being said, my little brother was just telling me all about how he's too uncomfortable to talk to his parents about anything involving his body because it's uncomfortable. Meanwhile, growing up my mother was perfectly comfortable answering all of my and and my sisters questions about sex and our bodies. My poor brother has to find things through the Internet. Naturally, figuring since we ladies have <a href="">Eve</a>, I thought that maybe that sort of thing exists for dudes. If any of you thought that that would be the obvious answer you thought wrong, infact nothing exists to give males a comprehensive understanding of their own anatomy and a reassurance that their body isn't strange or gross. 
But when you look up apps that might help men with their bodies it's all about working out.
Also if you select a few of them on google, you find apps all about "Survival", "Cooking food on the Grill", "Hiking", "knots", and I'm not saying these apps are sold as being dude specific but they are the only things that come up when searching for the kind of app for guys that exists for women. 
So what's the big deal with having an app that works for their anatomy? <a href="">Eve</a> has information that I do trust and a typically friendly community. Guys should have that so they have a trusted place to go when they need to know something. I know it may seem silly but my brother isn't the only one whose in this awkward place.
I just want a safe place for my brother to ask questions and not feel uncomfortable or judged.