my story

I'm finally writing about my labour experience. 6th September (my due date) I was a little tense that day but thought it was due to not getting much sleep the night before but come the evening I started to get backache which evolved to contractions which were bearable. I thought great, it's starting! I did not get sleep at all that night as you can imagine. It was pain in my back at each contraction, such a burning ache, getting worse at each one. I phoned the hospital on numerous times the next day (7th September) saying about the pain, they would not see me or take me in until my contractions were 3 minutes apart. They were 5 minutes apart. I then complained and they reluctantly saw me - they said I don't look like I'm in labour and sent me home!! Just about got home and felt awful. My friend came over at 6pm, who has had children recently so had a good idea of symptoms. The pain in my back was so unbearable! She said at 9pm that it was time to get to the hospital so my husband rang up the hospital and demanded that we came in and that there was no option! We got to the hospital at 9.47pm (it's a 35min drive). Was the worst and longest car journey ever!! I was crying in pain. Finally got seen and I was 5cm dilated by this point. I asked for gas and air which I eventually got. I had to wait for a bed. Got to my room and my labour was progressing well. My midwife was getting excited saying that it won't be long! This was at 1am after my waters breaking and am now 10cm. It got to 4.30am and still no show! I had to have an episiotomy to help and at 4.48am she arrived! It wasn't until then that the midwife told me she was back to back and that's why she wasn't coming out! I did it all on just gas and air. I had no energy left at all but I made it. I then had to be stitched up - this took an hour! Was as painful as labour. And now to this day (5 weeks 2 days after) I'm still not healed properly, well healed but not together!! Tmi sorry. So 32 hours from start to finish. Also my contractions never got to 3 minutes, they stayed at 5 throughout! My experience with the hospital has not been good at all! But to have your baby in your arms, there's nothing you would give to change that. Meet Millie Mae Lillian born 8th September at 6lb 13oz.