39 weeks 2 days...

Jesse • 5-15-13 👦🏻 10-20-16 👶🏼 July 2017 👼🏻👼🏻 7-8-19🌈 👶🏼 boy mama 💙💙💙
At my 39 week appointment on Thursday I was 1 cm and 70% effaced. That night I had contractions 2 min apart for over an hour, but they never intensified. My dr said to come in if I couldn't talk through them and I was doing just fine. They were just extremely uncomfortable. Been having mild cramping off and on since. Needed to have a bowel movement 1-2 a day. Went to the bathroom after some cramping just now and had a rather large mucus glob of discharge come out. I haven't had a lot of discharge this pregnancy so I think it might have been my mucus plug. Any ideas on how soon labor might follow???