First round of clomid...

Had my first round of clomid in August...right after my D&C...ever since then no spotting...but lots of back aches, change of food preferences....and when hunger strikes its either i eat or i get nausea...but if i eat too much it backfire with vomiting....the bathroom has become my second home...with major run of diarrhea (sorry tmi)...and needing to pee...if that wasn't bad enough...super fatigue...and smells gets to me....with being such an emotional wreck....the tear work and dehydration :( took a hpt in early sept. Light positive...after that or was all negative...wait out out but the symptoms didn't go away...went to the doc last wk to get a urine and blood test...both are negative as along with those symptoms it's major migraine and cramps...had one last hot so decided to take one shows up ...just confuse what's going on with me...someone shed some light...


Most recent test....a few min ago is the 3rd test