am I wrong for my attitude?

I have been working for my boss for 10 months now, I am a bilingual secretary who gets paid 7.50. (Minimum wage where I live) she only gives me 8-16 hours a week. Lately it's only been around 15. She got annoyed when I asked for more hours and most of the times I'm supposed to get paid on Friday and she won't pay me until Sunday. Now I have bills to pay, and I get paid less than 100 a week and not even on time. When I talk to her I show off my attitude with sassy remarks. Am I wrong for being rude? And when she doesn't reply to me or ignores me I don't do certain stuff, like take out the trash, check the mail, etc. is it wrong? Ps I haven't quit because I have been applying at a few jobs but no call backs yet.