Was I wrong to leave? please help.

My husband and I have been married for 7 months and October 10th made a year together as a couple. Since we started dating he's been super controlling, possesive and very untrusting (I assume from past girlfriends and I just get the blame for it). He didn't work a real job but for a month and then quit while I was pregnant. He also worked SOMEWHAT with his dad as he can never get fired, it's his dad. He makes $140-$240 a week and blows it on McDonald's, UFC fights, etc. instead of saving for bills we're 2, almost 3 months behind on. He knew he needed a good job but quit the first real one he had and didn't look for another for a long time. Aside from that, he rarely helped me with my newborn. I can remember she would start crying and he'd hand her to me. Or he'd say I don't want to feed her it takes too long. I was ALWAYS the one to get up and take care of her needs and if I ever asked him he'd get very frustrated, same thing if I had just put her down and she made one little noise indicating she was waking back up... I tried telling him many times I wasn't happy, that I didn't feel like he truly loved me and something needed to change but he'd say what is the point in making effort. Point blank I wasn't truly happy. Was I right to leave? I love him but that's not how I want to spend the rest of my life. I'm needing reassurance and advice. I'm going crazy here.