anyone taking endometrin?

My hcg level came back awesome today, but my progesterone is at a 9. The doctor didn't seem too worried but they told me I need to take a higher dose of progesterone.
I have been taking suppositories but they told me they wanted me to take Endometrin. I said, okay cool.
Went to the pharmacy to pick it up and they didn't have it...but the kicker is that it is $1,300! Is this normal?! The nurse said to call on Monday to see if the doctor could get the price lower but my husband and I about had a heart attack. 
So is anyone else on this? Anyone know if regular suppositories in a higher dose would work?? The pharmacist said it's the exact same as what I'm taking now. Obviously we have lots of questions. She ordered it for Monday and also just the regular progesterone suppositories, so both will be ready when we get there.
We will do whatever it takes to make sure this baby is healthy, even if we have to pay that price. Just taken off guard! 
P.S. I know what Progesterone is for so I am not asking for an explanation of why I need to be on it. I am just wondering if anyone is in the same or similar situation as me.