What would you do?


Here's some background.

I have been with my boyfriend for 5years, there has been a few issues but we worked through them and love each other endlessly.

He's 25 and I'm 22

His mother does not like me that much and I don't know why, I've only ever been nice to her despite her actions. Last year it even went as far as telling my boyfriend I wasn't good enough to have kids with. (It was over the phone, she didn't know I could hear her)

I'm now 6weeks pregnant.

It wasn't planned, but shit happens.

We mutually decided to keep the baby as we think that is what is best for us.

She wasn't happy at all and it constantly feels like she blames me or thinks I'm trying to trap her son.

Now here's the problem.

I had started a bit of bleeding the day we found out, we thought it would lead to misscarriage. She was in her way over when this started so I was already stressed. Get response was that it was probably for the best. (Like what the hell)

And now last night, she came over (I wasn't aware till she left) and she asked how everything was.

Now my bf lives with my sister and I live next door with my parents. (It will change when more is planned). After hearing that everything was ok she then said "you know, it's not too late to take care of it. If you catch what I'm saying." She said this to my bf [the father of her grandchild] and my sister was sitting in the same room and heard it.

My boyfriend of course stuck up for me and told her to back off.

But we decided she's lost all privileges. Like she can visit the child but she's not babysitting or taking our child anywhere. She's the only one who's been like this.

What would you do ?

Edit; we didn't even get to tell most his family cause the next day was his brother's 30th. And she got drunk and told anyone and everyone that would listen