anyone go through this?

So my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year now. We went about 6 months not really tracking, but then found out I am not ovulating on my own again (same issue when we were trying to get pregnant with our daughter). So I have taken 4 rounds of clomid (50mg was the first, 100mg for the last 3 months) every month besides this month I have gotten a positive ovulation test followed along with blood work showing I ovulated. I only ovulate on the 100mg. Well this month I didn't get a positive but messaged my nurse and she had me come in for the progesterone test (we did it on day 19 of my cycle and it showed a 12.8) she said I did ovulate so I thought then I wasn't out of the woods possibly even though I didn't get a positive ovulation test (maybe they were faulty or when I was testing I got the surge later). Last night we had sex and when I wiped after I had a little blood (no big deal it's happened before) but this morning when I wiped I had more blood. It wasn't a ton to fill a pad or tampon but enough where I don't know what this is. My one app says I shouldn't get my period till the 22nd and the one the 28th. Could this possibly be implantation bleeding or a sign my period is happening?