Baby Dust needed this Tuesday

Sunshine • 💙 ’17, 💙 ’19, & 💙‘20. Trying to navigate her way through this journey we call life.

Slight history: I suffered through three very early miscarriages (weeks 5-6) but the last was back in 2010. Haven't been pregnant since. Been trying with hubby for over a year now. This year saw fertility specialist and we are now on our second round of Timed Intercourse (Clomid, Ovidril, and Progesterone) and are almost done. Will find out if this cycle took on Tuesday (15dpo). I'm a little anxious but trying to think positive since last month on the 14th I started spotting and then started a heavier bleeding on the 18th and I didn't need the blood test to know that it was a failed cycle but still went to get confirmation on the 20th. This month it's currently the 16th (13dpo) and no sign of spotting so I'm praying this is my month.