I always told myself I would share when ever I found out that I was pregnant

I always told myself I would share when ever I found out that I was pregnant. I'm 27 and my husband and I have been trying for just about a year! Last month, I used clear blue digital ovulation test. We bd on day of peak and second day. I normally am such a symptom spotter. This month, I let it go. We are in the process of getting a house so that is what my mind has been on. Yesterday, cd 32, when I wiped there was a very light pink stain on tp. I figured af was on the way. I thought it was weird when nothing more came all day today. I have been crampy. I usually crave sweets so bad right before af and I don't want them at all. I was so irritated with my husband all day for no reason, again thought it was af. Had a left over test and decided to test. Sure enough, it said pregnant! I am 14dpo and normally have a 30-34 day cycle. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and thanking God for HIS timing.