
I am 22 and my partner is 29. We had been trying to conceive for 3+ years, now weve have had all the tests done and ive just recovered from a diagnostic laparoscopy &dye test which diagnosed me with blocked/damaged tubes.
The surgeon said they cannot unblock them and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> is our only hope now . We live in the uk -england-cambridge and are entitled to nhs funded <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> โ˜บ๏ธwhich is amazing!! but we do not have a date yet and will have to wait until January until we recieve a date to start all procedures.ย 
I guess the only reason i am writing this is because i need some support, i am finding this so hard i dont know wether to get my hopes up or to just think that it's probably not going to work. For 3+ years ive been taking BFN's every month then thinking theyd be able to fix my tubes and they cant its just negative and disappointment all the time. I feel like ive failed as a female! And I keep thinking my partner is going to leave me and find someone new where he can actually have children! Although I know he wouldn't do that because hes amazing! I just can only think of all bad things. All of my siblings have beautiful children and fertility hasnt been an issue with my family. Just me! I just feel like im the short straw & that i have no purpose on this earth! I dont drink i dont go clubbing or do drugs ! I am not a bad person and I believe we'd make wonderful parents! Maybe if i was a bad person id be able to concieve numerous children??! Im sorry for boring you all, i just hope there is someone that can make me look at things in a different way ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿค”ย