Transracialism: discussion I had today


Got into a bit of an debate today with a "friend" who claims to be an ally to the black community but I feel he suffers from white savior syndrome. His argument to me was that he can't be racist because he is transracial but he is an upper class white male. He has recently been hash tagging his post #BLM #staywoke but it seems condescending and mocking to me. He also forgets that everyone can see what he comments on and has been caught a few times commenting on fight videos calling black folk animals. He's unfriended of course just looking for your opinions on the subject.

Today's discussion:

Transracial is not a thing, it is offensive to all people of color and specifically to Black people. You cannot choose to identify as a Black person when you benefit from white privilege. I cannot choose to remove my black skin and experience white privilege. You cannot chose to identify as a Black person simply because you do not have 400+ years of systemic racism and oppression behind, beside, and inside you. You cannot identify as Black when you do not share Black experiences and do not engage with Black people in your daily life. What you can do is engage in transculturalism: a shared cultural experience where you actively engage in, promote, and SHARE culture. You do not appropriate the culture through transracialism, you share the culture meaning give and take. You give parts of your culture in exchange for parts of another culture in order to enrich your life. TRANSRACIALISM IS OFFENSIVE.