Serious question. Please help if you can

Tori • Married with 2 year old mini me :) B/G twins due 4/2020

I am 8 weeks pregnant. I just started telling close family that I am expecting last week. This included my aunt and uncle who I was previously estranged from for many years. Over the last 5 years I have come to adore them. They are terrific people and my husband and I spend holidays and vacations with them as well.

Their only child, my cousin "Tiffany" passed away 17 years ago in a freak accident. Myself and Tiffany were both 10 years old at the time. Of course this traumatized my aunt and uncle (as would anyone) they moved and changed their numbers soon after her accident. (Everyone deals with grief differently)

Well after we all reconnected many years later and I go to their home for Thanksgiving and their extra bedroom has all of Tiffany"s things in it. Her stuffed animals, her comforter, everything (almost 20 years later and they have moved several times). I thought it was strange but didn't say anything.

Now, ever since I told my aunt I was pregnant she has been ecstatic. She told me she can't even sleep she's too excited. (I still have 7 months to go!)

She told me that she knows it's a girl and that I should name her "Tiffany" after my deceased cousin. I changed the subject right away.

Now she only refers to the baby as "Tiffany" and I don't want to hurt her by telling her I am definitely not naming the baby that.

I am not heartless but I barely remember my cousin at all and I do not like in memoriam names period.

I am also wondering if she is living vicariously through me and pretending that I am her long lost daughter.

What would you do if you were me?

My aunt is very sensitive and I feel like if I try to tell her that I have other plans for a name if it is a girl then she will stop talking to me again.