Unwanted belly touching );

Okay I just wanna know if I'm over reacting of if other people deal with this. Today I was out at a local Military Veterans bar here in town. Of course I wasn't drinking I just came there to get a Sprite and get out of the house for a little. Well the bartender is this older lady that knows my boyfriend and she wanted to know the gender of the baby but when she asked the gender my boyfriend and I weren't telling people yet until we did our gender reveal. Anyways so I'm there showing her the pictures I had printed and everyone kinda of crowded around also looking. The bartender asked me if I was showing yet and I lifted up my hoodie enough to only show the belly bump and I put it back down well this older lady I guess she was really excited about baby talk and she kept saying how much she loved babies and she grabbed my hoodie and lifted it up and started feeling my belly and one of the older guys put his hand on my belly too. I got so red my throat started to get tight and I was so embarrassed and had started going into an anxiety attack. I picked up my Sprite and my pictures and quickly left back home. I've heard of stuff happening like this before but never have I until tonight but I don't think that it's okay for someone to touch my belly just because I'm pregnant? I don't know if I'm over reactingI understand pregnancy is an amazing thing and brings others smiles and enjoyment and whatever and maybe it's because of their age being older and maybe that's what they did in their generation or something but do I have the right to be mad or of gotten anxious about it. I already have severe depression and I'm sorry and PTSD and unwanted touching sets off the PTSD part of me and I know other people don't know especially strangers but am I right to be upset or should I not think much of it because I understand that people get excited about pregnancies?