Baby Ellen is here!


Induced at 38+4 due to a late diagnosis of chloestasis...3 failed foley baloon attempts, 10 hours of pitocin, 1 broken bag of water, 2 hours of gas and air, 3 hours of an epidural, and 4 hours of pushing finally brought our 'sunny side up ' rainbow baby into the world!! The doctors all said they were amazed that a FTM could deliver a posterior baby who was 7lbs and I'm only 5'2. What an empowering experience.

Good luck to all of you mommies who are waiting for your little arrivals! My advice...When it comes to inductions, bring your birth plan, but know that you will change a ton..The important things still happen! I caught her, my husband cut the cord, we got our delayed cord clamping, and they delayed her procedures until after an hour of skin to skin. Amazing birth!

Ellen Lucille, born 10-19-16 at 11:49am after 22 hours of labor! She weighs 7 pounds 10 ounces and is 19 inches long!