Just a scared First Time Mommy.

I'm a FTM and my daughters due date is this Friday, October 21. Tuesday I was dilated to a "tight" 2 and 0% effaced. I'm extremely scared, nervous and anxious for many reasons. Monday I have an appointment to set my induction date and I'm terrified because I have heard from many other women that Pitocin is the "devils" drug and is extremely hard on women's body. I'm scared of the thought of having a c-section and being cut open while I'm awake. I'm scared of the thought of a needle going in my back. I have such a low pain tolerance as is, and I'm sure once the contractions start getting bad I won't care about the epidural hurting, but it still scares me. Im hoping my body will work some magic and cooperate with me and start dilating and effacing. Do any moms have ANY advice for me? Anything helps.. *No bashing*