My epidural WORE off at the end of labor 😩😩

Terrell • Mother of 2 beautiful little girls Jadyn A`Mari Ford && Maliyah Denise Hester 🎀👭 && one more coming October 17th
Birth story:::
Around 330 I woke up cramping very fiancé works from 5am-3pm so he was getting up getting ready for work (4:00) when i thought i peed on myself but second guessed it.He left the house around 420 && I'm pretty sure by the time he made it to work my water broke completely 😂 I called him at work && told him it had broke && not to worry I'm going to call him when I get to L&D.I took my clothes out packed my bag && called him back bc he was going to have to drive me contractions had started to kick in.While waiting on him I took a nice little hot shower to slow them down (about 10 minutes apart lasting for about 45 seconds) got out the shower && noticed blood running down my leg.I got the towel && dried off for some reason this day it took him extra 20 minutes to get home.On the car ride to the hospital contractions picked up && this day he descides to take the long way to the hospital 😳 lol.Got to L&D greeting nicely by the staff && immediately got checked to see if it was my water that had broke.Come to find out it was && that I was already 5cm (yesterday at my doctors appointment I was 3cm && was going to be induced Thursday at 5am) as soon as I was told I was 5cm i asked for the epidural ❤️ she said ok but I would have to wait till my blood work came back && it takes 30 minutes 🙄 contractions had slowed down && became some what toleranable but still kinda strong!About 45 minutes later I got the epidural (which took almost 35 minutes to put in 😵 bc he was clearly training a new tech)finally I asked in a nice way if he could just take over && he did just that.Epidural was in place && I dialited from a 5 to 8 in an hour.Once I started to feel pressure I knew then that the damn epidural was starting to wear off...the nurse brings in the peanut ball && I instantly go from 8-10 🙌🏾
Feeling EVERYTHING that comes at the end of labor 😂 I pushed 5 times && baby girl Madisyn Mackenzie Hester was here weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces 20 inches long
Born a week after my birthday 10/19/16 at 10:44
I was in labor for a total of 6 hours 👏🏾👏🏾 
Good luck to the mamas that haven't delivered && you can do it no matter how long it takes