Herpes and childbirth

I have been having outbreaks nearly constantly since I was around 28weeks, but its more inside of my vagina (birth canal) not on the outside like my labia - it used to be on the outside, I've never had it on the inside and am even more worried because my midwife can't see the outbreak and doesn't actually believe that I have an STI. Its not on my records because when I was diagnosed I was living elsewhere and was very young. I remeber the Dr just looking and saying yes you definitely have herpes! She swabbed and the tests came back that I do have herpes but this was nearly 5 years ago and my actual Dr in town can not find any record of me having it. So it is so hard and scary for me because they just don't seem to care nor believe me. Why would anyone make this up? I would absolutely love to have natural but the way I have been breaking out for the past 3 months is HORRIBLE and painful. Like I said above I have never had it in my actual vagina before and it is the worst. I definitely am super scared of a cesarean SUPER scared but I am even more scared of giving birth with an outbreak and giving my innocent child herpes - which she would potentially not be able to fight it off and pass away. I don't think I could live with myself. I feel so alone and feel like I have no voice. She is making me go natural as much as I can. I have 4 weeks left until my due date and have completely made up my mind this is the wrong thing to do. I don't go a week without an outbreak ever since I have been 28weeks. It is not safe at all for a baby to come out. Has anyone else been in a similiar position. I know STI's are a touchy subject for every one and am not looking to be hated upon. I'm here for the best interest of my baby not to be judged and whatever some of you heartless people say to others like me. Thank you to those who do help with kindness!