Dating an Englishman

So I'm Puerto Rican and Algerian, my boyfriend is from a very small farmlike village in England. We've been together 2 and a half years now and we still talk about race constantly. He says until he moved to America he had never witnessed such racism. Yesterday we were talking about our children and the challenges they will face being from a mixed family, and I said how his two children would not experience the problems my son would. His kids are fare skinned platinum blonde with blue eyes. My son (like me) picked up alot of our algerian side dark hair, dark eyes, tan skinned. We started to argue when I said that his children would naturally have a privilege that my son won't. His response was that he wouldn't let them. He didn't seem to understand that no matter what white people are given privilege out in the world just for their skin. It doesn't matter if their parents teach them about that it's wrong or not the world will still give them privilege. It bothered me that he didn't understand this. Idk why it bothered me but it did.