who's last name should my baby carry?

I'm 28 weeks pregnant and with my first, my BF just bailed on me about 3 weeks ago moving back to Nevada from Texas where we were living together and I've been devisated and heart broken since we've had issues in the past before and this being the second time we've split since I found out I was pregnant. We broke up the first time when I found out I was pregnant and around month 3 of my pregnancy he came back. This first time we broke up we weren't living together so he stayed in town after us getting back together we moved in with one another about a month later but this time it's different he's just up and left no warning!!! Moving states away, he's also deleted/blocked me from all social media and my phone number as well. Idk what to do? I will admit that the first couple of days of him leaving I lost it I was constantly calling him and crying, I was heartbroken and felt abandoned. Although I'm still super hurt and still have my moments where I break down it's getting better but here's where I'm having a problem this afternoon when discussing the names options for my baby I was asked what the last name was going to be.. my family and friends want me to give my baby my last name seeing she doesn't deserve his but dispite everything that happened and my mother completely resenting the guy she as well as my grandmother are very old school and strongly believe that my baby should have his last name? I see both sides of the quarter but I'm not sure myself how I feel or what I should do, I still love the guy very dearly with all my heart and I'm not sure how he would feel if he found out I didn't give her his last name... anyways I was just wondering what are yalls thoughts and opinions on this? What would you do?