how many kiddos do you have? how many angel babies?

Hi mamas! 
This is my 7th pregnancy. 
I have 3 kids, an almost 8 year old daughter, 6 year old son & 22 month old son who is still nursing.
3 angels lost at 11w3d, 7w & 9w4d 
I'm excited for our 4th and final baby. Hopefully things go well with this pregnancy. I go to my doctor Tuesday to get my betaHCG going and get an ultrasound request form. 
I've already got a midwife which is incredible because midwives are VERY hard to get here. (I'm in Alberta Canada where they are publically funded. The waitlists are long and like I said if you get a midwife you are LUCKY!) 
I had an incredible home birth with my last baby and am hoping for another!