PLEASE HELP! Implantation bleeding? TMI

I believe I am currently 6dpo. Yesterday when I woke up I changed my panties and as soon as I got my pants on to get dressed for the day I felt (tmi sorry) a glob of discharge, so I checked and sure enough a nasty glob of brownish colored discharge was on my panties. They immediately felt soaking wet. So I changed them again and put on a pantyliner hoping this would last me a few hours. Later yesterday evening I went to the restroom to find yellow looking discharge (kinda like cloudy ewcm). I looked again twice and noticed some clear discharge with a tiny drop of blood. (Picture I posted) Could this be implantation bleeding? Noticed really bad gas pain feelings before bed and all night last night. Still feeling them today but not as bad. Slight lower backache and today when I brushed my teeth I noticed a couple tiny drops of blood when I rinsed my mouth out. Someone please help! Really hoping for my BFP but trying not to convince myself and it not being true. 😔