Anyone with any knowledge regarding this....

Please help! So I had s miscarriage a year ago. I'm over 35 and found out the day my cycle was due, that I was expecting. Of course I've been extremely nervous and scared thinking that I'm going to have another miscarriage. I went in for an ultrasound on October 19, and they only saw the gestational sac. 
The technician didn't really comment, although when I saw the doctor, he said that I could have ovulated late. I know that I did not have sex until Sept 14, so that would have put me at only 4 weeks. Had my blood drawn on the 19th and again on the 21st. He called me back this morning and said that while the numbers didn't exactly double, they were very close to doubling. According to when I ovulated, today I should be 5 weeks and 5 days. My betas are reading 3166 as of Friday. 
I asked him his thoughts and he was a little hesitant but said that the numbers looked good, although at the ultrasound, my gestational sac was measuring 7 weeks. 
Does anyone have any experience with this and everything turned out okay??
I will go in for another ultrasound this coming Thursday. I'm just a little concerned that my gestational sac was measuring 7 weeks and I was only 4 at the time.