Phone call that ended it ALL

Brijona • 💕👩🏾👨🏾👦🏾👶🏾💕 Mummy and Girlfriend 🔮📿🙏🏾 Spiritualist 🌳💨 Naturalist 👸🏾 Queen of my own reality 💋✌🏾
I just got a phone call from my midwife telling me I have chlamydia. I haven't had sex with ANYONE but my boyfriend. She told me I had a negative test August 29. But my test October 19 is positive. My boyfriend swears up and down he hasn't been with anyone else. I honestly don't have any reason not to believe him, other than this phone call. I am so upset I can't even cry anymore. I can't look at him. I thought we were PERFECT. I just ask knew he was THE ONE FOR ME. I want to literally choke the life from him. I love him so much! I don't even want to vent to my BEST FRIEND because she is going to tell me to leave him. And if I don't I will look like a FOOL. I need to leave. I have to leave. I can no longer trust him 😢😢😢😢