DUMB doctor ... RANT!!

😡😡 I am SO BEYOND sick of my doctor!! I have been on weekly appointments since 26 weeks due to high blood pressure. It's just so much crap has been going on with this doc and so many lies! I've been told for 6 weeks straight my BP was 120/80 which I KNEW was a LIE because I always check it before and after I go and it's always high, not to mention the daily headaches that I have that goes along with my high blood pressure. I've been to the hospital several times for it and the doc that is on call always seems just perplexed that I'm
Not on meds, bedrest and no induction has been scheduled. Anyway, so it's getting to the point now that i literally wake up
With a headache and go to bed with a headache because my BP is ALWAYS high! So at my appointment today I asked about being induced next week at 38 weeks because this blood pressure thing is really getting out of hand at this point and something needs to be done. This man looked at me and told me 38 weeks is too early 😳 excuse me?! With BP issues that I've had for weeks and well as the other nurse let it slip that I've had protein in my urine the past few weeks (something else inwasnt informed of until today on accident) and I was in preterm labor at 33 weeks. I already had the shot for her lungs and she's big  so I know she's fine so I don't understand at this point It seems safer for her to be out versus in and this man is being so nonchalant about my health and my daughters! I'm
Really pissed off because this is just ridiculous! Trust me, other things have happened too but it would've made this post too long (like it already isn't lol ) but believe me I've dealt with enough to be fed up at this point! I PRAY I go into labor naturally this week because I'm concerned about my daughters well being and my own as well. FRUSTRATED!!!