Pregnancy Anxiety 😰

I'm posting this here because I fear that sharing my feelings with those around me will make me seem ungrateful for my precious bundle of joy. I'm hoping some of you will understand how I'm feeling and maybe have some advice.
So, I am 32 weeks pregnant with a littl girl. Being a mom has been my greatest desire. My husband and I have been married three years and at the end of last year we decided to start trying for a baby. We figured it would take us a while, as I had been on the IUD. It took us less than a month and I cannot begin to explain how excited we both were to find out I was pregnant. I can't say that my pregnancy has been tough. Sure morning sickness sucked but I've kept my eye on the prize and have maintained a positive attitude thus far. Until recently that is. Here's what I'm afraid to admit.....i feel so over it some days. I KNOW it's a blessing to feel my beautiful baby kicking in my womb. I know this. But some days it's.....annoying. Some days the kicks and rolls make me feel "sea sick" and the jabs under my ribs make me sorta angry. At the same time I just don't want to wait any longer! I want to have her here in my arms already. She is due December 18th and that feels sooooo far away. I want her here! And yes I know she needs to come when she is ready. I would never want her to be born before she is ready. But I just feel so tired of waiting. So tired. I feel so terrible admitting this!! I am genuinely happy to be having a baby. I am genuinely ecstatic to get to experience motherhood. I know that there are soooo many women who would give anything for this opportunity and for that reason I feel like a horrible person for even feeling a bit of annoyance. Please please don't judge me. I'm already judging myself. I just need someone to understand where I'm coming from.
UPDATE: thanks so much ladies. I truly felt terrible for feeling how I felt...but it makes it a bit easier to know I'm not alone and it's part of the process. I appreciate you all!!