Guy I'm seeing won't use a condom

So, I'm already on the pill but the guy I'm seeing doesn't want to use condoms because he goes soft once he puts one on. I'm just nervous to have sex without one - will it be okay? Or is there a way to put it on without him going soft?
Curious to see if anyone else has had this issue too haha
Okay so he's not forcing me like everyone's assuming, and I know that he's clear of STDs as am I. He says that we can of course try to use a condom but in his past it hasn't worked and he's gone limp and it's embarrassing to him. We're both not seeing anyone else either. He's not a bad guy like I feel you all are assuming 😂 he says it's my choice and we'll try with a condom too if that's what I want. We've known each other for a little while and recently started seeing each other intimately for a few weeks. We're also not planning to have sex asap, we do want to wait a little. 
I know that the pill is 99% effective, I just wanted to know if there's a way to still use a condom where he won't go soft? If anyone has had experience!