Baby Carrier with Storage?

I gave away my hand-me-down BabyBjorn years ago. My second daughter is due in Jan. '17. I'm shopping around for a new baby carrier. There were two things I didn't like about my old Bjorn: 1.) the crotch strap seat for the baby always felt very loose, and I was worried it would slip during use. 2.) Wearing a backpack on top of the baby carrier had too many straps over the shoulder. It was like wearing two backpacks at once. I had bought a Mobi wrap (also long gone), but I could never consistently get it tied properly.
So, now I'm looking for a new baby carrier. I was hoping to find something that was both carrier and a genuine backpack to help balance and cut down on straps. The only one I can find online is by Mission Critical, and it is nearly $300!
Any suggestions on a baby carrier with storage?