thrush with newborn baby... anyone else going thru this?

Breastfeeding has been going well and suddenly last night I had unbearable stinging nipples and the pain didn't go away all night, nipples are super sensitive to anything touching them. Thought it was just body adjustments or something, today I took some pain meds and aired my nipples out... wore no shirt and seemsd to help. Felt like by midday the pain was getting better so had hope... but now it's night again and pain is back to excruciating levels. 
Thank god for moms because she just texted me and said she found that thrush describes my symptoms so I think that's what it is! Just super mad I didn't discover this today because I have to make it thru another night of breastfeeding and will be a mess. Was crying hysterically after 2 feedings last night... will call doc first thing tomorrow morn and then may be days before medication takes effect. Have to sterilize and bleach everything... and my poor baby. I noticed he was latching and unlatching lately and that's a sign because his mouth is sore, ugh why didn't I discover this earlier? 
Anyone else experience this?