Best. Night. Ever.

Last night was the first time my boyfriend and i had been able to see eachother in two weeks. (we live an hour apart from eachother) Well last night we surprised me and took me to dinner and then we ended up getting a hotel room for the night. I didnt have a whole lot of experience before i met him, and hes been really patient and really sweet about everything. Well last night i was feeling a little brave and i went all in. We did everything you could think of, and i just have to say, seeing his reactions to things id do, just turned me on even more and more. I had the best orgasm ever riding his face. Anal was a little uncomfortable at first but i ended up enjoying it more than i thought i would. Best part was watching his face while i sucked his dick. Best night of sex ive ever had and i feel so much more confident in myself and more confident around him. 😋😏