Life on the line

So roughly at 9:30pm on Oct 20 I went into the hospital with my contractions 5 mins apart. Got there and was told I was only 2 cm they kept me for another 2 hours to see if I would dilate more. Well surprise I had gone up to 4cm and was considered to be in active labor. They checked me in and got me set in no time flat! Had my room and sitting in the whirl pool by 4am XD Fast forward to 5pm the nurse checked me and I was 9.5cm! Instantly I thought my baby would be here within the hour but fate said no. 4 hours later and I'm still at 9.5cm the pain was becoming to much so I caved and asked for the epidural. Doc comes in gives me the epidural everything went smooth done in 5 mins but not even seconds later things went down hill! My body started to shake I was freezing cold, my heart rate and blood pressure went crazy high, I had a fever of 101 and worst of all my baby girl's heart rate was steadily dropping! I was rushed for an emergency c-section where I was nearly put under due to the numbing medications not kicking in. Luck was on my side for this one thankfully and I was able to be awake for the arrival of my beautiful Lily Ashlynn 
She was born Oct 21st at 9:42pm weighing at 7lbs 11.8oz 21 in long! Taken to nicu due to fluid in the lungs but released next day ☺️