Christmas shopping already ⛄🎄🎁

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.

So, i have already been making christmas lists for everybody on what they want and etc, me and my fiance want to plan early and make sure with baby coming and holidays we want to be able to have a good Christmas! I'm so excited I feel like Christmas shopping is already almost over haha! But gonna keep adding to the list, for me it's simple, i mostly just want stuff for the baby this year and clothes and perfume :)

Either way, im excited to start buying everything.. right now just have it in my cart ready to go when im ready to order!!

Anyone else excited as well??

I know holidays can be stressful including baby coming, but I feel baby will have everything he needs and still make the holidays fun and not that much stressful!! :)