I need help please TMI

I will be 22 tomorrow and throughout my life I've had irregular periods since I first started at age 14. Sometimes I'll get 5 days sometimes I'll have it for 3 days. For the past year its only been 3 days a month. I have had a on and off boyfriend for 2-3 years and his sperm count is low and he was previously married for many years and the girl never got pregnant. He has came inside me many times before and never ever happened. So I'm not sure what day I started this month maybe around thr 19th or so but I know my period was over after the 21. No more blood I had the Browning as a indication my period was over. Well yeateeday the 25 i was at work and I felt a little wet but I assumed it was my normal discharge sometimes it is a little heavy I didn't think anhthing of it until I went home for my work lunch and used the bathroom so see that I peed Blood, and when I wiped it was some blood too. Not much I also sorry about this(tmi) stuck my finger up to make sure I wasn't seeing things and then wiped my finger off on a piece of toilet paper and I was bleeding. So I called my mom she told me just put a panty liner on and we talk about it after work. So when I got home I checked the panty liner I had bleed more and there was brown on it also. I never bed after a period unless I had sex which I did around the 22nd but I never bled. My boyfriend did cum in my a few weeks ago but we just broke up because I found out he was married in his country,was lying about it for a whole year and he won't leave her..what's crazy is that we was living together.. ugh anyway what do you guys think pregnancy, miscarriage.. or worse? Honestly miscarring would be the worst that could happen.. this is too much losing my boyfriend of 3 years , this and my birthday is tomorrow :( any help is appreciated.. also I probably bled for like 1-3 hours just a little.. not continuous.. and for like 2 days I felt like I had to pee alot like a tingly feeling down there it wasn't burning like a UTI I have had those in the past and I know what that feels like and it was nothing like that.. sorry about this never ending post lol I'm freaking out