I never thought labor would be so hard for me

I never thought labor would be so hard for me. Due to a few complications my baby needed help finding his way out. I was enduced and babies heart rate kept dropping so they stopped it. The next day I was started on potocin and around ten that night he wad born. He was side ways so I needed some much help from the vacuum to get him out. They noticed meconium so for some reason he pooped before he came out. Come to find out he was stressed due to his cord getting wrapped around his neck twice! And that's way his heart rate kept dropping. But even with all of that he is quite healthy. My poor baby is in the nicu due to breathing in some of the meconium and has an infection in his lungs and is on antibiotics. He is already showing signs of improvements and is a fighter. I didn't get to touch him before they whisked him away. Thank god for the angels watching over my beautiful baby boy!