Possible pending labor?

This pregnancy is by far the oddest compared to my other 2 children, not to mention it's been over 8 years since I gave birth last.( not to mention with the last one I had no clue I was in labor just alot of pressure to find out I was fully dialled bag of water bulging and ready to push) in the past few days I have so much pressure between my legs like I'm squeezing a ball there, my boobs have been extremely sore like they were in the beginning and so much discharge (sorry tmi) I have to wear a panty liner bc it goes right through my panties to my pants.( I know it's not pee bc it's mucusy) not to mention I been getting some strong BH that cause a natural pushing sensation at times. My dr refused to check me today to see if I'm dilated yet he said he would next week when he test me for group b. Ultrasound shows baby is head down and engaged ( why my hips hurt so bad I can't move at times) so has anyone else had these symptoms and had their baby within a week or 2