PPD w pets

My baby is almost 6 months old and at 4 months my husband brought home a puppy. We already have 2 old basset hounds who are a handful bc arthritis and incontinence and also a potbelly pig who lives inside. I tried to take the puppy back to the farm he got her from but after a week of the worst hell I've ever been through w my husband he went and got her back. I started therapy bc now I am very depressed. I was already overwhelmed by my new role as mother and becoming a sahm but the puppy was really a tipping point not just bc it's a puppy but also bc I don't think my husband cares at all about my feelings. We are fighting a lot and I don't love him anymore the way I used to. I'm having a hard time taking care of my baby bc all the animals and housework on top of being a mom the stress is too much. I'm feeling really really low, my baby and I just cry together a lot now while the puppy barks her face off and the older dogs pee and poop on the floor and the pig tears the cabinet door off. I know I'd feel a million times better if it was just me, baby and the two old dogs but my husband would never ever ever let that happen. He told me he'd take the baby away from me and I would have to leave and if I tried anything he'd say I was crazy and unfit to be a mother bc of mental health. My mother has mental health problems so he knows that gets to me. I don't know what to do.