Who is getting their tubes tied after this baby?

So I am scheduled for a c-section in 7 days (Nov. 4th) and I asked the doctor a couple of months ago to tie my tubes while she's in there. My husband and I decided we are done having babies, we have 4yr. old twin boys and are about to have another boy (our third boy). With the c-section approaching I can't help but feel sad and a bit unsure because both my husband and I really wanted a girl. The thing is I really don't want 4 kids (I'm not sure I can handle 4), 3 is our max but I feel like I'm mourning the fact that I will never have my girl. My husband is supportive whether I change my mind on tying my tubes or not. I can't stop thinking about it, such a hard decision.
Anyone here going through the same feeling as me??? I would love your opinion.